The Higher Education Loan Coalition provides a list service named HigherEdLoanCoalition, [email protected]. This is a closed list that provides an exchange of information only for administrators of schools participating in Direct Loan Programs. If you wish to subscribe to HigherEdLoanCoalition please send your request along with the name of your school and the email address you wish to use for the list to [email protected].
- If someone wishes to solicit information of a specific nature from the membership, they should provide instructions for directing responses to their email address.
- Members should only use the correct and full email address that they used in their enrollment request to make submissions to the list.
- Members also need to take the time to consider that hitting that reply button sends the response to the whole list. Sometimes we get messages that are clearly meant for only select people.
- Please do not use the ‘Return Receipt’ function when making submissions to the list. Also do not respond to ‘Return Receipt’ when you receive a list submission, since the return message goes to the entire list. Please choose cancel or no if you receive the request to respond.
- Please notify Morgan Ramsey Daniel at [email protected] if you have an email address change or other problem receiving list submissions, she will unsubscribe email addresses that bounce to the listowner as ‘recipient not found’ and will not attempt to locate another email address for that member.